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[Industrial Filtration] The effect of large-scale filtration equipment in agricultural irrigation

Released on Aug. 17, 2021

[Industrial Filtration] The effect of large-scale filtration equipment in agricultural irrigation

In agricultural production, water resources are a scarce necessity and very precious, so how to balance agricultural water use? What role does large-scale filtration equipment play in agricultural irrigation?

The scarcity of freshwater resources is a major challenge in agricultural production. It is not only limited in resources, but also extremely uneven in regional distribution. It is known that about 20% of the world's population has been restricted by sustainable water resources.

◆High cost of water resources

Fresh water irrigation is indispensable in agricultural production and life.It is the basis of our food for survival. If without it,  There is no way to survive.

As the population increases, water resources continue to decrease, especially the water used for agricultural irrigation. This threatens our development and survival, so the method of reusing water resources is constantly updated and invented. For example, through the treatment of large-scale filtration equipment to produce fresh water resources that can be used for agricultural irrigation.

◆Necessity of agricultural irrigation filter equipment

1. As the cost of water resources continues to increase, secondary filtration of water will surely become the main source of agricultural irrigation. Irrigation water now comes from unconventional sources such as contaminated surface water, wastewater and salt water.

2. This phenomenon often occurs in the process of agricultural production. The two farms also use drip irrigation systems to irrigate the land. One farm using professional filter machinery and equipment have been used for a long time, and they can still operate effectively and normally. but the other farm without professional filtering equipment is very easy to be blocked and come out more problems

3. Many special agricultural crops have greater requirements for irrigation water. This will always depend on the crop being grown, as each crop has different requirements in terms of the water used. For example, foods such as fruits and vegetables can be eaten without being cooked, and it will need higher water filtration, and  filtered the main pollutants that may cause microbial contamination.

◆The Effect of large-scale filtration equipment in agricultural irrigation

Remove potential microorganisms and contaminants

Remove solids from agricultural irrigation systems

Water recycling and reuse

◆The choice of filter

In the micro-irrigation system, most of the filtration systems that combine primary filtration and secondary filtration. When we use it,First determine the water quality of the irrigation water source, Then select the type and combination of filters. For water sources with better conditions, a single-stage filter can be used; For ground water sources with poor conditions, sand filters and disc filters (or mesh filters) can be used; For underground water sources with poor conditions,  Centrifugal filter and disc filter (or mesh filter)can be used. In addition, the above-ground water sources with large sediment content should be treated separately.

In general, The installation rule of the filter from upstream to downstream should be secondary filter after the primary ;

Single filtration should be used in secondary.

Hebei YUBO Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd. Specializing in the production of large-scale agricultural irrigation filtration equipment,

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[Industrial Filtration] The effect of large-scale filtration equipment in agricultural irrigation