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Automatic Filters - Self Cleaning Screen Filter

Released on Sep. 28, 2023

A self-cleaning screen filter is a highly efficient water filtration system to remove particles and impurities from water sources. Its automatic, self-maintenance capability distinguishes it, eliminating the need for manual cleaning or the replacement of filter elements.

How automatic filters(self cleaning screen filters) work

How automatic filters(self cleaning screen filters) work

There are 4 filtration processes in automatic filters:

1. Filtration: Water passes through a fine mesh or screen, which captures contaminants based on its customized mesh size.

2. Accumulation: As water flows through the filter, particles accumulate on the screen's surface, gradually reducing effectiveness.

3. Self-Cleaning: When the filter reaches a predetermined pressure differential, the system initiates a self-cleaning cycle. This cycle reverses the water flow, dislodges, and flushes out accumulated debris.

4. Continuous Operation: After cleaning, the filter automatically resumes normal filtration, ensuring a constant supply of clean water without interruptions.

Self-cleaning screen filters are versatile, finding applications in agriculture, industrial processes, municipal water treatment, and wastewater treatment. They offer benefits such as reduced maintenance costs, improved efficiency, and environmental sustainability, making them a valuable solution for various water filtration needs.

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Advantages of Automatic Filters/Self-Cleaning Screen Filters

1. Continuous Filtration: Self-cleaning screen filters operate 24/7 without interruption. This ensures a constant supply of clean water and reduces downtime compared to manual filters that require periodic maintenance.

2. Efficiency: These filters are highly efficient in removing particles of various sizes, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from agricultural irrigation to industrial processes.

3. Cost-Effective: While the initial investment may be higher than traditional filters, the long-term cost savings are significant due to reduced maintenance and increased filter lifespan.

4. Customization: Self-cleaning screen filters can be tailored to specific filtration needs by adjusting the mesh size, ensuring that they effectively capture the target contaminants.

5. Environmental Benefits: Reduced water wastage and energy consumption make self-cleaning screen filters an eco-friendly choice.

Send an email to sales@yubofilter.com to custom-design your high-quality self cleaning filters!