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How to Clean a Pleated Filter Cartridge

Released on Mar. 22, 2023

Are you looking to clean your pleated filter cartridges? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Pleated filter cartridges are a great way to increase the efficiency of your filtration system, but they can become clogged over time, reducing the filtration capacity. Luckily, there are a few easy steps you can take to clean your pleated filter cartridges and get them back to peak performance.

We can generally clean the pleated filter cartridge through physical cleaning methods. 

1. Anti-washing: Cleaning water is passed through the filter element and into the super filter port, then rushing to the side of the concentrated port.

2. Constant pressure rinse: Turn off the ultra-filter valve, open the thick water outlet valve, and increase the surface area of the flow filter element.

3. Washing with high pure water: When cleaning, you can rinse the surface of the filter element to remove any loose dirt, and then circulate it with pure water.

How to Clean a Pleated Filter Cartridge

Cleaning the pleated filter cartridge requires the following steps:

1. You will need to remove the filter cartridge from the filter housing. If you find the pleated filter cartridge damaged, you need to replace it.

2. Wash the filter element according to the above method.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your pleated water filter cartridge clean. Doing so will increase the efficiency of your filtration system and help ensure that you get the best possible filtration performance.