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Static Screen Wastewater Filtration Systems

Released on May. 06, 2022

In wastewater treatment filtration systems, the Static Screen filter is used for pre-treatment. 

Static Screen Wastewater Filtration Systems

Which types of screens are used in wastewater treatment?

Proven by practice, the wedge wire static screen is the most ideal choice in the wastewater treatment process. The reasons are as follows:

•The specifications and the slot size all can be customized according to requirements. The slot size can be ranging from 0.25 to 6 inches.

•Less prone to clogging.

•High open area.

•Able to withstand strong pressure.


By the way, the wedge wire static screen is genellary used by large treatment plants with ample floor space.

What kind of impurities does the static screen filter?

The static screen mainly separates solids and liquids. It is used for both municipal and industrial applications, particularly for screening fibrous and non-greasy solids.

In which industries is the static screen used for wastewater screening?

Like: plastics, paper, textile, tanning, laundry, milk, and food industries.

applications of Static Screen Wastewater Filtration Systems

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